“A healthy outside starts from the inside.”

Robert Urich

What is wellness coaching?

Coaching is a process whereby you and I work together to clarify vision and core values and then align your life with them. It’s not consulting or mentoring, supervising, nor managing, and it’s not a form of counseling or therapy. It’s about building your vision, growing, and moving toward an amazing future!

What happens during coaching?

Our professional relationship moves you forward through weekly phone or video sessions lasting 45 to 50 minutes. Growth then occurs in the time between sessions as you dig into specific exercises designed to help you find new perspectives, gain clarity, set goals and overcome obstacles.

Discover Vision

Capture a vision for your life that takes you out of the ordinary.

Find Fulfillment

 Move into a greater place of centeredness and fulfillment.


Reach Goals

Attain the life goals and vision to which you feel called.


Experience Growth

Accelerate your growth and become the best version of you.

Schedule a Call

Let’s spend some time together to explore how coaching can get you where you want to be. The call is free with no obligation!